AQA Language Paper 1: Tackling Question 2 ‘language’

How I teach Q2

I currently teach three groups of Year 10s just once a week where I focus on the language skills. We have printed out 4 language style papers on different colours (first paper is blue, second is green, third is yellow, fourth is pink) and then there is a final paper in grey at the back. The idea is that we work on each question at a time. So, we tackle Q1 first. Modelling how to approach it – using the I/We/You method explicitly. Once they can master this on their own (pink paper) we then move on to Q2, modelling annotations/answers as so on. (resources on drop box)

So, the first thing I do is annotate the question, and the students do it with me. Focusing on the idea of language having two parts. They can comment on key words/phrases or figurative language.

Then I focus on the key area the question wants us to focus on, again modelling how to annotate the extract. (no image to show you here, but I would guide them on the key words/features that are present)

Keeping in mind that they only need to select 3. This question is 8 marks, so they’re spending 10 minutes on it, and I recommend they write three paragraphs. So, the modelling of this is very explicit and strict (no need to annotate every single word! And it’s important the students are aware of this, especially if there is challenging vocabulary as this is off putting for some)

I stick to the same structure for my lesons for this approach, to create consistency.

1. It maintains routine and will aid memory at a later date

2. It enables them to understand the approach is similar for each question

The example paragraph you can see above is the teacher model (sometimes I prepare them in advance and sometimes I type them there and then in front of the students, but will still save what I have written) It’s good to prepare a model in advance for some groups so they can just stick this in their booklet, rather than copy it down.

The following images are from my power point, which show you the approach to the rest of the lessons (which still focus on Q2)

This method has really helped the students understand what is expected of them, without it being to complex. Some student examples can be seen here.

My big top tip: don’t over complicate it! Remind the students this is a skill THEY KNOW and USE all the time!

Hope this was of some use!

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